
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Time for the tubes

I laugh a lot at myself when I think about the amount of change in the past 5 years. The Kirsten then might not want to hang out with Kirsten age 39. Or maybe I, me… in the present.. was exactly what I needed to find in a friend, mentor or could she have been the spark for transformation. I ponder on a rainy Monday.
I’ve just decided it has been way too long since a colonic.. and I feel very ready for a good series. Is it the coming new year that is sparking this, or a jump start.. or a heavy feeling. It’s not deep or internal as I am now acutely aware of.. but rather just excess-ive-ness-es. On the external vessel, physical part. Yoga sure has reminded my body of how it needs to work together to obtain great fitness. Wow does it feel good to be back into “Vinnie mode”. He’s our witty, soft-spoken New Yorker who teaches us type A personalties to rocking beats most mornings and evenings in Santa Monica. Yes, we refer to each other as Vinnie-ites! His class is something special.. the exact mix of intensity, calmness, humor, sweat, power and togetherness. No one else can teach what he offers in the most realistic way. Not for beginners, this is a “get up and put up and give it all you’ve got” kind of class. People come to do the work, they are after the work, chipping away at both physical and mental processing in the form of endurance and slight pain.. be in it, thrive in it!!!
Ok, so there are so many reasons it feels good to be back to home, friends, cats and familiarity. It’s time for Kirsten to do another HUGE stretch of growing.. wonder in what areas its going to be this time? So blessed to be able and open to grow and change. So nice to feel comfortable in my body, holding my space on this earth. The calmness which controls the flame internally now is strong and stable. I love this life.

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